Freely designable upload and download pages

With TeamDrive you can make any files located in your TeamDrive Space available for download at a URL.

On the one hand, you can publish files directly from the TeamDrive app. You can find out more about this on the features page Send large files via link

Our TeamDrive Outlook add-in also offers you a convenient way to send a highly securely encrypted file to a recipient via email

If you have installed this functional extension for your email program Microsoft Outlook and add a file to your email as an attachment, the Outlook add-in becomes active and asks you whether you want to send the attachment unencrypted or encrypted.

If you choose the unencrypted version, the file attachment will be sent insecurely (because it is unprotected) over the Internet.

However, if you choose the encrypted version, the TeamDrive app will automatically generate a download link for this file and insert it into your email text instead of the file.

People who now receive such a download link from you and click on it will be taken to a TeamDrive download page.

In order to be able to receive securely encrypted files from external people yourself, you can use the digital mailbox: The TeamDrive Inbox. This means you can receive files directly into a TeamDrive space prepared for this purpose, which other people can upload there.

You provide an upload link to people who you want to transfer documents to you in a protected manner. If they click on the upload link, they will be taken to a page with an upload form.

Both pages – the page with the upload form and the download page – can be optionally and visually designed according to your wishes.

For example, if you want both pages to appear in your company’s corporate design, this is possible without any restrictions.

Use the example download page in our video tutorial to find out how you can adapt it to your ideas.

You are also welcome to commission us to carry out the design according to your specifications.